Friday, November 10, 2017

Writing - A necessary habit for everybody

If we have to preserve our thoughts, we must write. We memorise many things. Our past life, relatives, friends, visits, episodes. stories and books read. Our senses are constantly capturing the information and storing it in our brain. We have opinion, or reaction on that information and that also gets blended with the information before it is stored in our memory. We communicate verbally and transmit this information.

What is our identity? Our look, our communication and behaviour. All the change with time.
However our memory goes on accumulating. This storage of information is a great asset for of us.

Thoughts are immortal but only if they get recorded in script or voice.
All our knowledge of history is mainly built on the writings.

There have been innumerable human beings on this earth. Everybody lived a life full of many events, struggles, achievements and activities. What we know about them is only though the marks they have left behind in form of material products and information recorded in written scripts or preserved through memorisation.

We simply do not know anything about knowledge which was created, acquired or developed, but was not recorded anywhere. That knowledge has lost forever.

Our progress in all fields like arts, literature, sciences and technology is based on this preserved and accessible store of knowledge.

If we cultivate habit to write down our views, memories and experience it can be of use to future generations in one or other way.

We need not worry about our style or non proficiency in writing, nor we should consider our experience is not worth writing. Every thought is important, Every memory has a value of historical importance about somebody, some event or some sensation. Our writing may be of help to somebody in future.

I again quote again the saying of great seer Shri. Bhavabhuti,

के नाम केचिदिह न: प्रथयन्त्यवज्ञाम्
जानन्तु ते किमपि तान्प्रति नैष: यत्न: ।
उत्पत्स्यते हि मम कोऽपि समानधर्मा 
कालोह्ययं निरवधिर्विपुला च पृथ्वी ।।
- भवभूति

(Those who deride or ignore my work —let them know: my efforts are not for them.
There will come along someone who shares my spirit: the world is vast, and time endless.)

Never consider yourself insignificant. You know you are important to yourself even greater than the entire world surrounding you. Hence be bold enough to leave some everlasting mark about your live experience. Don't worry about criticism by others as criticism has not spared any writing so far. 

Do not worry about mistakes or errors as 'To err is human" and our mistakes and errors may help others to avoid them. Also you can correct them later or let others to correct you. But the meaning is important and has a value in at least your sense. Most important, every sentence you write is a creation by you and nobody else can claim its ownership.   
Fortunately for us, the internet has provided an free and easy way to write, communicate, distribute and preserve our writings.

We are fond of storing our memories in photos and videos but they are incapable of conveying our impressions, feelings and thoughts.

We shall be remembered in a better way if we can transmit our mind instead of appearance to future generations.

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