Friday, April 17, 2020

Work from Home – Not an easy task

The idea of working from home is attractive but very difficult to practice in true sense. Though you are free to work anytime and anywhere, the normal every day distractions do not allow you to concentrate on your work. The home environment also is not conducive to office work as the other family members presume that you are free to interact with house activities.

My son therefore chose to lockup himself in separate room for office work. Going to office for one or two hours for hardware setup changes and Online meetings with groups located geographically in different time zones actually keep him  busy more than normal office work. During the office hours he has to remain logged in as  other  office colleagues  require to interact with him.

Frequent disruptions due to phone calls house activities and personal  needs cover his  entire daytime . He has to skip his relaxed pastime watching TV after regular office work and remain constantly engrossed in his work environment.

For me as a remote manager, it is still difficult as I cannot monitor our Dnyandeep people working at home as I do not have necessary logging system. I have to wait days and weeks to get any reports and those also come in single lines as work is going on. The reasons are problems in computer, internet connectivity and absence of team work.They are also facing many difficulties in doing the work in their crowed homes with no separate room or other appliances.

I doubt the work from home internship will be able to give proper training or getting the work done on client projects with strict deadlines and specific quality requirements.