Friday, February 11, 2022

Ekach Pyala- Marathi Drama -Act5.1


My translation attempt of Marathi Drama एकच प्याला (Only one glass)  written Ram Ganesh Gadkari)

Please suggest better option for words and phrases.

Act V


 (Characters - Bhagirath and Sharad; Sharad is crying.)

Bhagirath: (In mind) Now I understand the reason why Bhaisaheb was behaving with me detached! This is the disease of the disease, the killer of the mind, the burning of the soul, this is jealousy! This is the jealousy of last resort of the poor souls who are disappointed in the competition of love. Even the bitterness of bitter times will feel like nectar before this! At this age, in the midst of such childish love, even the prudent Bhaisaheb fell in love - this is not love; Pure love in despair takes the form of compassion - this work - maybe it happens without even knowing it. Ramlal is aware of this competition from the very beginning – I should not  think so! Bhaisaheb's name was mentioned very conservatively and the thinking was very wierd! Oops! Lord, in what  tragic event you  brought me! Should this Bhagirath with bad luck think about this deciding in logical way about Bhaisaheb's attitude? I have to forget myself while remembering the help he has given me! He revived Bhagirath who died of alcoholism and I want to look at his behavior with such a critical eye? To doubt the virtues of the father, to humbly inquire about the pure character of the mother, to argue for the existence of the real God, it is that great sin! If Bhaisaheb had already given me even the slightest idea of ​​his love, instead of taking Sharad's affection to the level of love, I would have just put her in the sad position of acquaintance! But he himself may not have known his attitude before! Whatever it is; No matter what happens to my life, I will never get in the way of my brother's happiness. Bhagirath's efforts must turn the flow of Sharad's love towards Bhaisaheb.

(Openly) Sharad, forgive me for speaking cruelly to you even in such a heartbreaking situation. Don't think that I feel comfortable talking to you now. My heart is burning inside because of this poisonous thought. There is no solution so I have to say this, forgive me and answer my question. Sharad, are you ready to suffer whatever for Bhagirath's happiness? Um, Do not discourage me by crying. Do not look it with deception. I know that answering such a question with clear words is more than death to any child or, to a child widow like you who is going through a delicate mind and  getting burned in lifelong grief! But the present situation is so miraculous that there is no option  without being clear. We should also set aside the limits of culture and usefulness for a moment. Say Sharad, say it with an open mind. Will you be ready to suffer whatever you want for Bhagirath's happiness?

Sharad: There is no reason to answer your question. Will your happiness ever become my sorrow?

Bhagirath: It is very difficult to maintain the same unity that different souls get while living in the company of love, even in the eternal nature of separation.

Sharad: Life of bereavement! The idea of ​​separation now you-

Bhagirath: I make up my mind to tell you  very clearly. Sharad, for no other reason, but only for the sake of this Bhagirath's happiness - Sharad, forgive me, I join hands and apologize to you a thousand times - but you have to accept Bhaisaheb request! You have to remarry Ramlal!

Sharad: Bhagirath, Bhagirath, what are you talking about? Has your heart got fully burnt? Bhagirath, you have  rained down on me heart-burning deadly poison!

Bhagiratha: This poison is as effective as nectar on Bhagirath's heart disease! Let your heart feelings die by consuming this poison!

Sharad: Bhagirath, how can this soul who has fallen at your feet become someone else's now?

Bhagirath: My life is at stake with Ramlal's footsteps. I will get my life back only by exchanging your life! Sharad, forgive me for the selfishness of doing my duty!

Sharad: Do not say no, Bhagirath! Think about how your words are acting like  poisoned hammering of my heart!

Bhagirath: Gratitude is not thoughtful! Remember how much Bhaisaheb has done for me and for you till today! Should we not  repay those favors? The giants churned the sea and took out fourteen gems; In it were found two contradictory gems, Sura(Alcohol), which destroys life by touch, and Sudha( Amrut), which gives eternal life by touch. The first was incarnated on a sinful earth, and the second was distributed to mankind in the form of the sweetness of women. Who rescued me from the tormenting heat of one gem. I should also give up the pleasure of another for the happiness of him. The mixture of happiness and sorrow in the world is integral. If one night of darkness is removed, one should also turn a blind eye to the bright day. In order to avoid a degree of sorrow, the happiness attached to it has to be removed, this is the cruel justice of the house of God.

Sharad: Bhagirath, how did you become so ruthless?


(राग- जागी; ताल- त्रिवट. चाल- दिलभर जानुवे.)

कृति अशी भीषणा।
अन्य ना॥ ध्रु.॥

वितरिल मना।
परमेशाच्या। यातना! ॥ 1

कोमलतरा ।
वनिताचित्ता। जाळी ना? 2

(Raga- jagi; tal- trivat. Chaal- dilbhar januve.)

The work is so horrible
there is no comparison to it

It gives pain  2

Do not burn the delicate
heart of woman -2

Bhagiratha: In Bhagirath's world, the idol of the Lord stands in the form of Ramlal. आचार्य देवो भव, मातृदेवो भव, पितृदेवो भव,Acharya Devo Bhav, Matrudevo Bhav, Pitrudevo Bhav are the inviolable commands of our Arya Dharma. Brother( Ramlal) reborn me like a father. nurtured my, saddened by the ridicule of the world attitude by motherly love ; He taught me the noble path to make my future life meaningful; In my view, this त्रिभूवनवंद्य Tribhuvanavandya trinity of mother, father and guru has received the title of Lord. Don't I have to be willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of this Lord? Mayuradhvajaraja cut off half of his limbs with a saw for the sake of Lord Krishna, just like the ax of the sky which breaks my future half-limb from my soul for the pleasure of my Lord - but not (In mind). Such inappropriate utterances will create disrespect in the mind of Sharad for Bhaisaheb. Sacrifice, like the faith of the benefactor, requires purity.

Sharad: We stopped talking! This cruelty of yours is not acceptable even to your heart. Bhagirath, have mercy, do not turn away the loving soul who has surrendered at your feet. For the happiness of Sharad, for your own happiness, do not trample on the weak love of both of you.

(राग- भैरवी; ताल- त्रिवट. चाल- तुम जागो हा.)

मजला वृथा।
 नाथा, का देता क्लेशा प्रखरा या॥ ध्रु.॥

चुरुनि प्रेमा।
मम शुध्द कामा।
हृदयांते का दहता उभयां॥ 1

(Raga- bhairavi; tal- trivat. Chaal- tum jago ha.)

Why you are giving me
such trouble, Oh my love

By destroying love in my mind
why you are burning  hearts of both.

Bhagiratha: The only religion of Bhagirath is to sacrifice the whole universe for the happiness of Ramlal. Ramlal's happiness is Bhagiratha's happiness, I tell you. And you have told me that Bhagirathi's happiness is the happiness of Sharad. There is no other way for all three of us to be happy. If I marry you, even in the midst of happiness, all time will continue to look at you with the compassionate look of Bhaisaheb's despair! What does it mean to get such unfortunate happiness at the cost of issatisfaction?

Sharad, now look at your fortunate misfortune from the point of view of thought, Bhaisaheb is happy because of your achievement; My gratitude for helping his well-being is satisfied; You feel good about sacrificing everything to free me from debt! Sharad, fortunately we are going to get this beautiful mind break. The happiness gained by repaying the favors of Bhaisaheb will only be unjust. Sharad, I tell you final, even if you take me away from this bliss of self-sacrifice, I will not be able to reunite with you. Again, it would be very unjust to treat my benefactor with ungratefulness.

Sharad: I speak fearlessly because I mind is trapped - I am a child widow in Hindu society. The world may call my fearlessness even shamelessness, but Bhagirath,if it is unjust to treat the benefactor with ingratitude, is it justifyable to treat love with betrayal?

Bhagirath: Even the Trikalajna sages could not make a three-time decision( applicable for all time) of justice. Today's justice will be tomorrow's injustice; Yesterday's injustice will be judged today; The general discretion of the judiciary varies from country to country. We have been born in a time when the East is merging with the West. As the conscience of India is in transition, the winds of thought are not blowing according to the rules. Young desires for happiness arise in the heart of a generation of new ideas and new ideas, and it is in the hands of a very different generation to provide the means of that happiness. It is the fault of hard times if the buildings on our path, which were built on the foundation of hope, start collapsing in this transition period of different culture. Sacrifice that does not hurt the heart of the father should be practiced by today's young generation. Sharad, loving girl, our loving companionship till today is our happiness! Even if this Sankranti is based on your happiness, we should celebrate today's festival by sweetly talking about the achievements of Tilamatra. Sharad, I swear by everything of Bhagiratha. Give me your consent, no matter how unjust it may be for me to leave you. In such a difficult situation, I have to accept at least one of these two injustices. At a time when it is necessary to do any injustice, the injustice which does not make the heart conscious, at that time, is forgivable to human beings. Sharad, come with me to Bhaisaheb, as the last wish of my dead love, I tell you, do not disrespect the request of Bhaisaheb - and now it is also my request - this request. If my birth giver suffers because of me, I can no longer live. Are you still crying Crazy, crying is not a weapon to fight the crisis in the world! (In mind) How happy I am for this sacrifice because of her crying! It would be a mistake to reject my request by heart. The secret of my happiness lies in the idea that she is sacrificing herself against her will and only because of my will. (Openly) Sharad, come with me and if you cry now, I swear to you. (Go.)

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