Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Self Assessment – a true guide to future career

Corona lockdown has given a necessary blow to supremacy of examination merit system in India, which decided success or failure and ranking in the large group of students.

People are worried to find reliable alternative to this established system of assessmement on mass scale in short time. The selection of students for higher studies or job placement has become difficult.

There is a three mirror theory in old philosophy books to explain three difference between presumed, perceived and true nature of our personality.

First mirror shows what you pose yourself to be and show off to the external world,

Second mirror shows what the world , friends and foes perceive about you. Friends will see your good points and foes will see bad points, the mixture of the two will be the impact on the world opinion about you.

Such opinion is moderated version based on their ego and self interests. But the third mirror shows how you really are. That is visible only to you if you introspect yourself. To improve yourself or be happy to accept the status quo. Try to see yourself in the true sense. You will understand, what you are. You can decide what you can become and be ready for taking necessary steps

Can we apply the same analogy to examination system?

The first mirror shows your expectations of merit, second mirror is how you are assessed in the examination, but the third mirror is the self assessment mirror which gives a true picture of your understanding.

If you rely on your first mirror impression, you may get frustration if you are overestimating yourself and cannot score expected marks. Getting high score in examination does not reveal your true merit.

But others will assign high value even if you are not worth it. You may get good job or desired branch for future career but it will be only extra opportunity to prove yourself. Otherwise the failure is the final outcome.

If you have assessed your true depth of understanding you will be confident to use it and succeed in life even if the present examination system rejects you.

Hence, make your own assessment and move on with resolution to build your own career confidently without waiting for somebody’s favor or luck in examination.

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