Friday, October 23, 2020

No TRP scam for Suicide of industrialist

Political and social media is experiencing huge turmoil over the suicide of Sushantsing Rajput. People, political parties and government have taken a great interest in this case. Big MNCs are pouring money through advertisements in keeping the fire burning the time and all other very serious issues facing the country.


A small news of suicide note by Shri. Pashankar, an industrialist in Pune occupied a tiny space in news and is swept away in turbulent flow of other  sensational news. But I became very restless, sad and alarmed over the neglect of this news by public.  I shot a note on our CISTED FOUNDATION whatsapp group promoting innovation and entrepreneurship as follows--

 Why not do research on failures of Indian industries

Sangli was known to be town with industrialists. Now all are  dealers. The news of Pashankar suicide, jail to D. S.  K. and Raju of Satyam suggest that Indian industry is in great danger of survival due to bank loans and public deposit burden. Big corporates crush these small businesses. Our innovators prosper only if they join MNCs. I had creamed Death of Dyanausores due to collective resistance by small creatures. Is it possible?

 Low interest rates for banks in foreign countries and people untrust on industrialists are main causes more than lack of nationalist attitude.

Corruption by regulating authorities and govt agencies also is responsible. The economic and management theories do not consider these dominating factors.

People are very cautious about their own investments in industries but do not support industries in difficult times even though they had deposited the money  for higher returns than banks.

There is political and social turmoil due to suicide or death of Sushantsing but no sad remark about DSK or Pashankar. Even the TRP war is supported by ads by MNCs. There are no Indian ads.
People have become suspicious of industrialists but try to get salaried jobs there.

Even Govt. is not industry friendly and is interested in foreign investments without careful study of adverse consequences.

My thoughts may look like leftists but I am for small private industries and businesses in India which strengthen the social sustainability in rural and local community.

That is the reason why I have asked Dnyandeep Foundation members to invest equally and share responsibility in business. 

I felt that new TRP war can be started whether Pashankar did suicide or society killed him.

 -Dr. S. V. Ranade, Dnyandeep, Sangli

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