Saturday, July 27, 2019

Implimentation Green Concepts in Existing Industries

An example of Green Factory - Construction of new manufacturing unit on green concepts is easy as we can plan and execute the project without any restrictions based on local conditions.

You can see such a factory installed in Gazipur which follows major norms and requirements of Green Factory.

However, to implement green concepts in existing manufacturing unit is a formidable task as has many limitations and challenges like confined space, difficulty in change of layout, lighting and infrastructural facilities, old machinery and inefficient processes and unskilled labour.

Architects, civil engineers and environmental experts have to work together for evolving economical, effective and ecoresponsive plan for progressive implementation of green concepts and improving green rating leading to energy and resource conservation without affecting the current manufacturing activity.

There is also a need for periodic supervision and training of staff and workers for environment, health and safety issues and awareness about pollution control.

Dnyandeep Foundation shall be developing a comprehensive task force to address these issues faced by the small scale industries in Kolhapur and Sangli Districts. With support and collaboration of CII GBS, it hopes to provide a feasible solution and continued service support to all industries.

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