Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Traditional timetable necessary for Learn From Home

After experience of Work from Home and Learn from Home experiments in last two months, I have come to a conclusion that traditional timetable  system   adopted in schools and colleges must be adopted to achieve significant improvement in output.

In a normal school or college, the day’s schedule is divided in six to eight lessons for theoretical work and three to four blocks for practical or project work.

Benefit of keeping the lesson limited to 40 minutes or one hour and changing the subject for each lesson is suited for learning different subjects simultaneously and keeping  interest alive without stress and boredom of continuous attention.

In schools, right from first standard, students learn many subjects without any extra efforts. Simple self learning activity like reading a book cannot be continued more than one hour. Without break. Writing, understanding or problem solving also gives maximum output in short spans.

Change of subject gives new inspiration to each session and the topics keep lingering in mind even during differenr sessions thus giving time to ponder and digest them indirecltly by subconscious mind at its own pace even when active brain is learning new things not related to  those subjects.

I use the same technique for studying or correspondence with preplanned change in topic every one or two hours with a gap of other  household  activities. 

That is why, I can learn  and remain engaged in productive work for more than 10 hours a day. I found that many people trying to study or work on one topic cannot do so more than four hours. I have found that our mind requires some thought to chew over and this variety of topics give a fine combination for remaining engaged with pleasure.

I strongly feel that work assignment in learning should be subdivided in many different topics with short durations like school system even in Learn from Home  or Work from Home scenarios.

 This however, requires preplanning  in details for entire week in advance. The concept of syllabus with units and hours required is more essential  and should be strictly followed with different teachers or work environments and topics .

I feel this will help the speed of learning from home similar to actual school, college or office.

1 comment:

  1. There is a more flexibility in self learning to choose topics and durations at will or requirement, which is not possible in school timetable. Even shifting the time blocks to late night or early morning is possible giving more lattitude. Only condition is to limit time spend in TV and mobile chats.
