Saturday, May 2, 2020

New Culture of Work from Home in Indian Context

Corona Lockdown

Corona Lockdown has become a major blow to Megacities and MNCs. Concentration of workforce and building of smart cities was considered to be most effective, economical and socially acceptable option of business growth. Many MNCs have invested in Smart City projects with the idea of pooling human resources together and manage them as parts of huge business machine

.However, to me, it was human attempt to try nature's experiment with Dinosour species.
Sudden death of dinosors was topic of my blog in which I had contemplated as victory of  numerous small industries over mighty MNCs through cooperative movement

Corona could be considered as natures corrective action to destroy concentration of human species and avoiding growth of military powers of nations. Mother nature is wise to protect earth and its biodiversity including geographical distribution, privacy and freedom of species.

Indian Context

The new Work from Home culture is totally new to India. In western and advanced countries, use of internet and computers has become an essential part of life and they will be able to easily adopt Work from Home culture.

Rapid adoption of  mobile as communication media and TV  for news and entertainment by Indian population   is mainly due to investment and marketing efforts by MNCs for sale of goods and services. The businesses and government still works mainly with print media and use of computers as typing machines. That is the reason, there are no computers in Indian homes except in high class societies. Even internet is used throght hot spot service of mobiles in many places.

This has created a very precarius condition due to sudden need of shifting to work from home without preintimation and availability of computers, internet and software support.


Whatever is the case of office work, the same is for Education Field. Huge educational complexes   have grown with business view rather than for education with more attention to  big, specious buildings and amenities than qualified and experienced teachers.

  In India, students and their parents are happy with classes and tutions.  They should understand that it is only physical engagement on time basis but no assimilation by self.

Self study is neglected in India.This has to be taught. In USA, self study is promoted from KG level.

Dnyandeep Initiative

Dnyandeep Infotech and Dnyandeep Foundation have suffered a lot due to exodus of their best workforce to megacities and  remained at existence level over the long period of 20 years, the period, during which startups in developed countries became global giants.

The lockdown also highlighted the reasons of failure in WORK FROM HOME model. Non availability of computers or internet, bandwidth and continuity problems, space and necessity of no disturbace zone in house, frequent house activities and human interactions and lack of pre-planning and reporting system, all led to total failure of the system.

Suggested pattern for Work from Home

Considering all these factors and also actual experience of workable system in USA I have decided to plan  40 hours flexible workload per week with proper planning and intermittent online  reporting, I propose that Work at home  or learning at home has to be split in 4 blocks of 2 hours each day. The work or learning should be preplanned and reviewed after every block by teacher or manager.

The block timings should  flexible and students or workers have to decide and inform higher-ups.
This will ensure free focused working and would not require internet continuity.

The planning shall be for 5 day week. But the students and workers can use any 5 days in 7 days of week.

Dnyandeep scheme for Learning and Freelance Work has to develop such system and create a model for online business and guided self learning throgh teams of managers and teacher cum monitors. Suggestions for developing such a robust system will go along way in strengthening both education and work in India on Work from Home pattern.

1 comment:

  1. This will be a more enhancing program for the new upcoming students and develop themselves with the help of self study.from home. Hereafter self study will have more importance for the development of nation.
