Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Staying abroad – then act like Kachadeva

There is an interesting story in puranas about Kachadeva and Devayani....

Ref : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kacha_(sage)

Kachadeva was  son of Brahaspati, the Guru of Devas and  Devayani was daughter of Shukracharya, the Guru of Rakkshasas ( Danavas).

 Shukracharya knew a Sanjeevani mantra which had the power to revive the dead back to life.

Therefore, whenever there was war, the Rakshasas who were killed were brought back to life, whereas Devas lost  their lives. Devas decided to send Kachadeva as a disciple of Shukracharya and told him to tactfully learn the Sanjeevani mantra. Kachadeva went to Shukracharya and introduced himself as the son of Brahaspati and requested Shukracharya to accept him as a disciple. By seeing obedient and clever Kachadeva, Devayani fell in love with him.

The Rakshasas came to know that Kachadeva is the son of their enemy and decided to kill him. They found him alone in the forest and cut his body into pieces. When the cattle returned home without Kachadeva, Devayani was anxious. She told her father that someone must have killed Kachadeva. She asked her father to revive his life as she is in love with him. So Shukracharya used his mantra and revived Kachadeva.

Rakshasas became angry. This time, they killed him and burnt his body and mixed the ashes with a drink and offered it Shukracharya. Again Devayani pleaded with her father to revive Kachadeva. He chanted the sanjeevani mantra. Kachadeva being in his stomach  learned it thoroughly. He came out tearing away Shukracharya's body. Kachadeva chanted the mantra and revived Shukracharya back to life but decided to return home. But Devayani asked him to marry her. Kachadeva refused saying Devayani is like a sister to him as he was born through Shukracharyas stomach.

 He returned to Devas and taught Sanjeevani to them.  The story goes ahead and takes many turns ---
 After reading story,  and seeing the brain drain from India to advance foreign countries, it occurred to me that Kachadeva should be the ideal for those who are fortunate to get lucrative jobs and comfortable life abroad and are using their talent to create wealth there.

They need not return but can transfer knowledge and help unemployed but educated youth in India. There presence in foreign countries will then be a boon to India.

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