Saturday, April 26, 2008

Retired People– Untapped Resource of Knowledge

While in Houston with my son, I utilise my time in reading books available freely in library. Last week, I came across an interesting book 'The writer within you' written by Charles Jacobs, retired CEO of Newspaper group. He has given a step by step guide on Writing and publishing for retired people. He gave numerous references and highlighted words of wisom at every stage.I read the book from cover to cover and influenced by his idea of motivating and guiding the retired people to write. He has also started a website to spread the message. I liked his idea as it synchronised with my stream of thought. I registered as user on the website and downloaded a free document on how to write a fiction.

I imagined the vast knowledge potential being wasted in India in the form of retirement system based on age and not on capability. I contacted him by mail and congratulated for the novel idea and wonderful job he has done. In reply to my mail, he expressed desire to publish the book in India if some publisher is ready to do so.I felt that his book needs to be translated in Indian languages, and many writers will be ready to take up such job if permitted by author.

Particularly in field of education, this potential can easily be tapped by following his idea. Every educational institute in India is in need of experienced teachers. Retirement of teachers creates a gap at higher level which is generally filled by fresh graduates with no or little experience. Appointment of retired teachers on honorarium or clock hour basis gives a partial solution as many retiring teachers do not want to accept such responsibility requiring physical attendance in the institute. Few teachers engage themselves in private education, social work or develop new interests. But, majority of retired teachers spend their remaining life period without using their acquired skills and knowledge.The members of his family, his friends and neighbors are not in need or interested in using his knowledge. This leads to suppression and blocking out of his capacity.

A system can be developed to provide avenues for these teachers to participate in education activities like examinations, syllabus formation, writing books, translation work, training programs or student guidance projects, research and development work, interaction with current teachers.

If we succeed in it, the vast knowledge store in these retired teachers can be put to use to strengthen entire education system and shall provide retired teachers some financial support, respect and satisfaction of contributing to noble cause of education which was their main occupation in active service period. The government and educational institutes should form action group to develop a comprehensive plan with objective of building a financially sound and sustainable organization for harnessing this untapped educational resource. Web technology should be used to provide the core support and communication platform.

This thought that 'government or somebody else should do this job', represents a typical Indian mentality. Why not follow the example of Charles Jacobs, who tried to bring his vision into reality? In America, I observed that people do not wait for the government to do impliment new idea. They convert it into a business. A casual search on the net will reveal that these individuals (or professional associations formed by them) have established their business in cyber world as it is the effective and low cost, low resource demanding technology.

It occured to me that I can do the job through Dnyandeep websites. While collecting data for Sahitya Sammelan website, we had a fair knowledge of Marathi writers world. Dnyandeep is planning to start Translation service on and can be linked to promote writing by retired people. The message must spread across all languages in India and should be extended to all fields where experience is source of knowledge. This will take time but will get materialised someday by somebody, because, it is the pressing need and opportunity with sure success.

1 comment:

  1. It is my fervent hope that someone in India will take up the challenge posed by Dr. Ranade in this blog. He deserves great credit for his foresight. I offer any help I might be able to give.
