Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Dnyandeep Software Projects - 4

4. Classification and compilation of  songs and calls of birds in India

Mr Sharad Apte, an ornithologist from Sangli  has recorded songs and calls of over 300 types of birds with sophisticated equipments at tramping forests, mountains, rivers and lakes across the country.

He has spent 20 years of leisure time and resources studying birds and bird songs and has spent almost 10 years recording them.

A dynamic interactive web application ( was developed for displaying images of these birds with audio clips based on the search of species, family and ZooName. Bird’s song and call are roughly classified; by their purpose; such as breeding songs and calls, alarm call, rising and retiring call as well as calls for communications etc.

There is backend section for administrator with secure login to facilitate addition of new information like new bird species, upload high definition images  and sound files, organise bird watching tours and workshops.

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