Monday, February 24, 2020

Parallel processing in sub-conscious mind

We often perceive interactions with many persons closely related to us and get their views pertaining to event or scenario, which are typical of their thought process and completely different than our own thinking. How it is possible as our mind is governed by our own thought process.

It has to originate from our mind, has to collect resources like context and information and build conclusive opinion to put before our main thought process.

It indicates that the patterns of their thinking process and logic are stored in our memory, they get activated during dream as there is no binding of conscious mind.

 Thus parallel threads of thinking go on building in the mind and provide a virtual reality to the scene or event in dream.

This might be the reason, why
  • The saints and pious people experience the God as they have imagined  and built their personality during their lifetime study.
  •  Scientists get clues to intriguing problems in novel way which surprises them and leads to new discovery.
The idea of parallel processing is not new to chip design and computer coding. This enhances processing power of computer many times. Our brain is a great master computer and it must be using all methods of computer algorithums like parallel processing, object oriented working, MVC pattern and what not.

We say that our parents and  loved ones create a permanent separate memory zone in our mind and help us with their care and advise. I feel that it is physically and psychologically true.

May be our all characteristics are carried from our ancestors in the same way but are more deeply embedded in our conscious thought process and physical build up.

Experts in philosophy, psychology and physiology may open up this secret relationship which builds our personality.

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