Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Anusha in wonderland Part -7

 When Anusha went to her magic math school she saw point children crying. She asked them ‘What happened? Why you are crying?” All point children complained that line girls and elder class boys don’t take us in their play. They say you are too small. They also laugh at us.

 Anusha was angry. As a principal she should not tolerate this.  She knew that lines and all higher standard children are basically points only.  Everybody in the school must respect their brothers and sisters in lower standards. What should be done? 

She had a brilliant idea. She decided to change names of all higher standard children such that they have to remember their youngest schoolmates i. e . points.

She call all students of the school to assemble in a big hall. She told them about complaint of point children  and expressed her dissatisfaction about behavior of higher class students.   She announced that from now on their names will be changed. 

Lines will be recognized by its two end points. For example,  a line can be called as AB  if  A and B are its end points.
For triangles, quadrangles and other polygons she said that their names will be formed by corner points. So ABC will be the name of triangle whose corners are points A, B and C. Same will be for any polygon. So hexagon may have name of ABCDEF where A,B,C,D,E and F are its corner points.

Now you will remember and respect your lower standard schoolmates. A triangle with name ABC will remember A,B and C  points and also AB,BC and CA lines.

All point children were happy. All other higher standard students also realized their mistake and accepted their new names.

Anusha was happy. It was her first exposure to school problem and she handled it cleverly. She had proved herself to be a  disciplined and  capable principal.   

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