Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rich Internet Application (RIA)

It is a known fact that software installed on desktop computer runs faster than the web application software which requires frequent client-server communication.  Desktop based software can utilize all services of the operating system and was considered imperative. For increased portability and wide distribution along with ease of updation, efforts were made to  devise efficient method for  deploying pre-compiled software through internet.   

Browser specific plug-ins were developed for downloading such active independent software in a separate area called as sandbox on the client’s machine. Once downloaded, the software would function like desktop installed software minimizing the  need of communication with server.   This is called as   rich Internet application (RIA). Such rich Internet applications make  extensive use of JavaScript, or a virtual machine like  Adobe Flash, JavaFX, and Microsoft Silverlight. 

Adobe Flash Player is the  most popular and effective virtual downloadable software which can be used for image and text effects,  animation and serious business applications. It supports bidirectional streaming of audio and video, and it can capture user input via mouse, keyboard, microphone, and camera. Flash uses  an object-oriented language called ActionScript . Flash content may be displayed on various computer systems and devices, using Adobe Flash PlayerDnyandeep has done extensive work on Flash and Flex based projects and  developed many dynamic and data based web applications using Adobe Flash and executed prestigious foreign work assignments in this area.
Recently the trend is shifting towards use of HTML5/JavaScript-based alternatives like Ajax in place of RIA and Dnyandeep also has started using this built-in browser functionality to implement comparable interfaces.

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