Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Science quizzes for kids -1

Dnyandeep's website for science education (http://www.vidnyan.net) contains many quizzes in Marathi. For those, who cannot follow or read Marathi, I am giving below its English translation. There are no answers. You have to find them. If you can't guess the answer, contact me (mailto:suresh.ranade@dnyandeep.com)
  1. Sparrow sitting on the electric wires remains unharmed, but bat gets killed by electric shock.
  2. Boiled egg rotates smoothly but not raw egg.
  3. Salt water is used for making ice-cream.
  4. water rises in the small diameter glass tube if immersed in water.
  5. Activated carbon is used to remove color and odor from water.
  6. From earth, we see the sky blue, but if we go above earth’s atmosphere, sky looks dark black.
  7. We should wear white clothes in summer but dark colored in winter.
  8. Resin if put in water bulges but grapes if put in sugar syrup it shrinks.
  9. Those who work  near furnace feel comfort,  if they drink salty water.
  10. Planets have steady light, but stars blink.
  11. Steel rails are joined with each other with a gap in between.
  12. Copper wire is used for conducting electricity.
  13. Mercury is used in thermometer.
  14. Tungston wire is used in electric lamp.
  15. We see the lightening first , then hear its thunder.
  16. Oil in the lamp automatically rises through wick of lamp.
  17. All animals have their eyeballs black.
  18. If man becomes invisible, he will be blind.
  19. Sunflower always faces sun.
  20. Ball  falling on the floor bounces up.

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