Sunday, March 16, 2008


I feel that habit or inertia is the main obstacle in change. However, habit has its own merit that it keeps the person comfortable in the present state.
Ego is the inherent property of habit and resists change. But fortunately for us, there is envy that prompts comparison and competition and creates urge to change. But mere urge is not sufficient to bring about change in habit. Moreover risk of unknown prevents urge to take action. Evenif there is no risk, urge must follow efforts.
As per Newton’s law, force is required to change the state of object, be it stationary or in motion. Force means dislike and discomfort producing action on the unwilling individual. Urge may cause temporary shift in behaviour but habit soon overpowers it.
New habit needs to be nurtured by prolonged efforts to change habit from one state other desired state.
Success in examination, competition or life for that matter depends to a large extent on this nurtured habit.
Winners win not by fluke. Stars are not borne overnight. Behind every success, there is a long trail of intentional efforts. It involves sacrifice of comfort and enjoyment.
Is the potential of success capable of such pursuit or there are any payoffs on the way?
The satisfaction of progress, reaching higher level or realization of goal coming nearer is the constant fuel during the travel and which keeps person work continuously.

Establishment of habit is a long process. just as there is a curve for change in road direction for smooth transition, it is necessary to change the habit gradually to establish new habit. Just as superelevation is provided on the curve for stability of car on the curve, there is need of support and guidance during change of habit otherwise there is possibility of person going out of track.

Schools and colleges provide well charted path for success in education. Discipline, continuous evaluation and intermediate tests nurture the learning habit.
Competitions and practice builds sportsmen and artists. Military depends heavily on discipline and exercise for change in habit. Increase in salary and higher posts lure persons to change. Power influences politicians.

Though habit can be changed by force and creativity cannot be handled by force, It requires freedom to act. Discoveries and inventions require both creativity and efforts.
Childhood is the best period of nurturing creativity. It blooms itself if proper environment is provided.
Change in habit is greatly influenced by the belief and conviction. Saints, leaders and teachers can bring about this change even without force by creating faith in the minds of followers by appealing to self ego and assurance of success.

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