Friday, December 9, 2011

Rise above Material World

Today man is engrossed in material world composed of variety of amenities and resources which are directly and continuously affecting the senses to the extend that he has forgotten the purpose of his existence in the life.He has lost his own identity and the treasure of pure joy one can get just by imagination, curiosity and creativity.

Population growth, development of science and technology, commerce and politics have added to the complexity of sensual world and empowered the forces of greed to influence the thought process of human being establishing new false concepts about happiness, success and achievement.

Even religions, who had inherent capacity to guide and control mind have become distributors of material pleasures and are used to build communities and tools for gains in physical world.

If one goes out of the madding crowd, disconnecting all links of communication and spend some time in open natural world for himself, he would be able to see the present objective world in real perspective. He will also be able to evaluate the worth of material pleasures and compare them with the peace of mind and satisfaction one gets by blending his thoughts with the eternal beauty and simplicity of nature.

Try to comprehend the secret of happiness in the life of saints and scientists. They did not require any outside resource for inner mental pleasure. Probe into your mind to search the happiness rather than outside appliances.Man is an animal who thinks but we have either forgotten to think for ourself or do not find any time for it.

Help the needy without any discrimination, encourage curiosity and creativity in children, observe the nature and learn its simplicity, do anything with dedication and selfless motive, disseminate the knowledge and information to all who need it and you will find that you have achieved something which will be a source of joy forever. To train your mind progressively in this direction, always find some time for introspection and write down your thoughts regularly as writing creates a permanent store of your feelings and ideas and crystallizes your thoughts.

If you rise yourself above the material world, you will see a far reaching sea of happiness spread around your conscious mind.

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